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Around the world, 218 million women want to prevent pregnancy but are not using contraception. For every dollar we invest in meeting this unmet need, we save $4 in education, immunization and water and sanitation.
- Islamic Support for Family Planning: How the Kenya Muslim Youth Development Organizations (KMYDO) has mobilized support for the use of family planning
- The Economics of Birth Control: How birth control is good for the economy
- Empty Handed: Responding to the Demand for Contraceptives
Global Gag Rule
President Trump’s expanded Global Gag Rule targeted women’s reproductive rights by blocking global health assistance to organizations outside of the United States that use their own, non-U.S. funds to provide information, referrals or services for legal abortion or to advocate for access to abortion services in their own countries.
Trump’s expansion impacted about 15 times more U.S. funding and also extended the reach of restrictions beyond nongovernmental organization grants and cooperative agreements to contracts. This broadened the reach of the policy’s already deadly effects, including increased unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions and higher rates of maternal and child mortality. The Global Gag Rule, previously known within the U.S. government as the Mexico City Policy and deceptively re-branded by the Trump-Pence administration as “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance,” was rescinded by President Biden on January 28, 2021.
- Reporting on the Global Gag Rule: What is the Global Gag Rule and how did it damage the health of women and girls worldwide?
- Do You Really Know the Global Gag Rule?: Frequently asked questions on a policy designed to confuse
- So Far, So Bad: The Wide-Ranging Impacts of the Global Gag Rule
- The Harmful Impact of the Global Gag Rule: PAI findings from George W. Bush-era restrictions. All case studies can be found here.
- The Many Extremities of a Monstrous Policy: In addition to risking women’s lives, the Global Gag Rule created destructive ripple effects that pose numerous, far-reaching threats around the world (infographic).
- Gagged and Slashed: How the Global Gag Rule and budget cuts harmed women and communities (infographic)
- Discriminatory and Unequal: Debunking the fungibility and fraud arguments for the Global Gag Rule
- 30 Years is Enough: A six-minute documentary about the history of the Global Gag Rule