Humanitarian Settings and Health Emergencies

PAI advocates for the protection, prioritization and promotion of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights in humanitarian settings and health emergencies.
PAI works to ensure the promotion and protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights in humanitarian settings and health emergencies through research and advocacy. PAI advises on global sexual and reproductive health and rights policy guidance and works to elevate the voices of women, girls and young people in crises. We also advocate for the prioritization of the health needs of survivors of gender-based violence in humanitarian settings and for gender equity and women’s health, rights and participation in the context of peacemaking and security decisions.
PAI calls on governments and donors to ensure that the sexual and reproductive health and rights of vulnerable populations are prioritized in fragile states and in countries experiencing humanitarian crises.
- In 2019, PAI launched a pilot research project in collaboration with Jimma University in Ethiopia on barriers to sexual and reproductive health services for young internally displaced people as well as the need for concerted, participatory efforts to identify and address their challenges. Otherwise, in the context of the worsening climate crisis and continued forced movement globally, women, girls and young people who experience forced displacements will only be further left behind.
- PAI has been a steering committee member of the Inter-agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises since 2013. In this role, PAI has collaborated with other experts in the field to improve access to sexual and reproductive health information, services and supplies to people affected by crises. Our work primarily focuses on advocacy for the inclusion of family planning and safe abortion care at the onset of humanitarian crises or health emergencies.
- Through our advocacy, PAI works to ensure that sexual and reproductive health and gender equity, such as gender-based violence prevention and the needs of survivors, are priorities of global humanitarian and security responses, including for international donors and U.S. government humanitarian assistance. PAI has been a partner in the multistakeholder initiative, Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies, since its launch in 2013. Additionally, PAI has advocated for the prioritization of gender and sexual and reproductive health and rights within the economic and security responses to instability in the Sahel region of Francophone West Africa since 2018.
- We recognize the intersections between women’s health, participation and empowerment and peace and security. PAI advocates for the inclusion of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the global women, peace and security agenda, as well as in U.S. policies. PAI is also an active member of the U.S. Civil Society Working Group on Women, Peace and Security.