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Biden-Harris 2021 Policy Wins

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On January 20, 2022, the Biden-Harris administration celebrated its first year in office. Immediately, the administration faced a number of challenges at home and abroad that demanded urgent attention, including repairing four years of damage done by the anti-choice policies of the Trump-Pence administration. President Biden asserted his support for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) on January 28, 2021, when he signed an executive memorandum to repeal the Global Gag Rule, reestablished U.S. financial support for the United Nations Population Fund and denounced the “Geneva Consensus.” The president, vice president and other administration officials continued to highlight SRHR as a priority throughout their first year.

PAI celebrates these important wins that have been part of our advocacy efforts with the Biden-Harris team and during prior administrations. Many of these achievements were called for in the Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice which PAI worked to develop with our U.S.-based partners

PAI, in its commitment to holding our own government accountable, acknowledges that more is needed to move beyond the positive statements and pledges of the first year. As the administration heads into its second year, it is time to put commitments into action. We look forward to continuing to advocate, encourage and collaborate with the administration and our partners to make SRHR a reality for all people.

See below for the administration’s year-one policy wins and what is left to do in our fact sheet.


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