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Progress on Family Planning 2020 Commitments in Indonesia


The Motion Tracker is a civil society-led approach for strengthening accountability and driving action to achieve commitments. It is a customized, dynamic framework for strengthening accountability and driving action by keeping commitments visible and highlighting progress while fostering partner participation, engagement and ownership to address bottlenecks to achieving commitments.

By 2020, the government of Indonesia, in collaboration with its partners and the private sector, will increase the availability of modern contraceptive methods at all levels of its health system in an effort to meet its goal of enabling 120 million more women to use contraceptives. 

Between 2015 and 2019, the Indonesian government will maintain quality family planning (FP) services for more than 30 million current users and ensure accessibility to at least 2.8 million additional users. In order to achieve this goal, the government will allocate $1.6 billion for FP programs between 2015 and 2019 — an almost twofold increase from $255 million in 2015 to $458 million in 2019. 

Additional funding assistance for health programs including FP will also be provided to local governments in the amount of $1.7 billion per year. 

Indonesia plans to fulfill its commitment to the FP2020 goal by ensuring the: (1) provision of FP services and contraceptives through the national health insurance scheme toward universal health coverage (UHC) by 2019; (2) improvement of the contraceptive method mix; (3) availability, quality and supply chain management of contraceptive commodities; (4) empowerment of young people; (5) implementation of an integrated approach to rights-based FP programming at the subnational level; and (6) investment in South-South exchange.

Progress as of January-December 2020


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