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Progress on Family Planning 2020 Commitments in Kenya


The Motion Tracker is a civil society-led approach for strengthening accountability and driving action to achieve commitments. It is a customized, dynamic framework for strengthening accountability and driving action by keeping commitments visible and highlighting progress while fostering partner participation, engagement and ownership to address bottlenecks to achieving commitments.

The government of Kenya commits to: 

(1) increasing the national budget for family planning (FP) services, specifically through a budget line allocated to FP. By including contraceptives in the existing health insurance schemes, the government will bolster equitable access to FP for insured individuals. The government will also ensure postpartum FP services are covered in its Free Maternity policy, or Linda Mama program, which provides free care for delivery through an annual government investment of 3 billion Kenyan shillings. 

 (2) strengthening private sector — including for-profit — partnerships through a total market approach (TMA) to optimize FP funding. Using the TMA, an all-sector strategy will differentiate groups according to their ability to pay and determine which market players can most effectively reach them. TMA cost-benefit analyses and scenario planning are also being carried out by Palladium and will be finalized before the end of 2017. This will provide information to support efforts of segmentation and improving efficiencies in FP service delivery. Most critically, the Palladium analyses will provide sufficient analysis and evidence on what is needed to move towards the implementation of a TMA for FP in Kenya. 

Progress as of May-December 2020


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